Edccelerated Program at Central Penn College

Central Penn Colleges’ Edccelerated Program: Your Path to Success

Earn College Credits While Still in High School

Central Penn College’s Edccelerated program offers high school students a unique opportunity to earn both college and high school credit simultaneously, giving you a head start on your higher education journey.

Benefits of Edccelerated

  • Accelerate Your Education: Earn college credits at a reduced cost while still in high school.
  • Explore Career Paths: Choose from 15 professional pathways and earn 13 professional certificates by graduation.
  • Transfer Credits: All credits earned through Edccelerated seamlessly transfer into associate or bachelor’s degrees at Central Penn College.
  • Gain Valuable Experience: Learn from experienced faculty and gain practical skills that will prepare you for success in your chosen field.

Eligible Students

High school students can enroll in Edccelerated courses in accordance with procedures and guidelines adopted by their high school. Students must also meet Central Penn College’s eligibility and enrollment requirements.

Program Highlights

  • Flexible Learning: Courses are offered in an asynchronous online format, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
  • Diverse Certificate Pathways: Choose from a variety of professional pathways, including: Bookkeeping, Hotel Administration, Cannabis Business, Medical Billing and Coding, Child Care Management, Medical Office Assistant, Computer Network and Security, Phlebotomy, Dental Treatment Coordinator, Restaurant and Food Management, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Sports Management and Human Resource Management
  • Associate Degree Options: Earn an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree in Hotel Administration or Medical Assisting.

Partner with Central Penn College

Pennsylvania public schools, including cyber charter schools, are encouraged to partner with Central Penn College to offer Edccelerated programs. By offering rigorous courses of study, such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), concurrent-enrollment courses, and concentrated Career and Technical Education programs, schools can help students prepare for college and career success.

Enroll Today

Ready to start your Edccelerated journey? Contact your high school guidance counselor or Central Penn College’s admissions office for more information and to enroll. You can fill out the free online application at CentralPenn.edu/Apply-Now or contact us at admissions@centralpenn.edu for more information.

Discover the Power of Edccelerated

Edccelerated offers you the opportunity to gain a competitive edge, explore career paths, and earn college credits while still in high school. Don’t miss out on this exciting program.

Degree Laddering Options

Professional CertificateToAssociate or Bachelor’s Degree
Bookkeeping>AS Accounting program and BS in Accounting Program
Cannabis Business
BS in Business Administration
Child Care Management >AS Child Care Management (to ladder into BS in Early Childhood Education)
Computer Network and Security
BS in Business Administration
Dental Treatment Coordinator >BS in Business Administration
Entrepreneurship and Small Business>AS in Entrepreneurship and Small Business and the
BS in Business Administration 
Hotel Administration>AAS Hotel and Restaurant Management
Human Resource Management>BS in Business Administration with HR Concentration
Medical Billing and Coding>AAS in Medical Assisting
Medical Office Assistant >BS in Business Administration
Phlebotomy>AS in Medical Assisting 
Restaurant and Food Management>AAS Hotel and Restaurant Management
Sports Management >BS in Business Administration with Sports Management Concentration 

Two Year Certificate Pathways Course Rotations:

Bookkeeping Certificate

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberACC100 Accounting I 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchACC110 Accounting II
Spring TermApril- JuneACC200 Managerial Accounting  
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberTEC103 Survey of Windows 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS120 Spreadsheet Applications
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneACC210 Data Management Applications

Cannabis Business

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberCAN100 Introduction to Cannabis
Winter TermJanuary- MarchCAN300 Managing Medical Symptoms with Cannabis
Spring TermApril- JuneCAN375 Cannabis Entrepreneurship
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberCAN200 Cannabis Policy and Law
Winter TermJanuary- MarchCAN350 Marketing in The Cannabis Industry
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneCAN420 Cannabis Leadership

Computer Networking and Security Certificate

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberTEC135 Networking I 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchTEC222 Networking II
Spring TermApril- JuneTEC320 Networking Management
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberTEC140 Microcomputer Systems
Winter TermJanuary- MarchTEC248 Routing and Switching
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneTEC412 Pen Testing

Child Care Management Certificate

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberCCM100 Child Care Foundations
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBIO105 Human Development
Spring TermApril- JuneCOM101 Introduction to Human Communications
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberCCM115 Instructional Strategies for Early Childhood Education
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS100 Introduction to Business 
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneCCM230 Curriculum Planning

Dental Hygiene coming in 2025-2026 

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Certificate 

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberBUS115 Business Accounting 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS230 Principles of Marketing 
Spring TermApril- JuneBUS245 Human Resources   
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberBUS220 Principles of Management 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS235 Consumer Behavior  
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneBUS270 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 

Restaurant and Food Management   

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberSCI100 Basic Nutrition
Winter TermJanuary- MarchHRM105 Introduction to Hospitality
Spring TermApril- JuneHRM125 Food and Beverage Cost Control 
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberHRM225 Food and Beverage Management
Winter TermJanuary- MarchHRM115 Sanitation and Safety
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneHRM245 Hospitality Law

Hotel Administration   

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberHRM226 Lodging Management
Winter TermJanuary- MarchHRM105 Introduction to Hospitality
Spring TermApril- JuneHRM125 Food and Beverage Cost Control 
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberHRM225 Food and Beverage Management
Winter TermJanuary- MarchHRM115 Sanitation and Safety
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneHRM245 Hospitality Law

Human Resource Management Certificate

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberBUS245 Human Resources 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS303 Recruitment, Selection, and Placement
Spring TermApril- JuneBUS220 Principles of Management
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberBUS302 Health, Safety, and Security
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS465 Training and Development
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneBUS460 Evaluation and Assessment

Medical Billing and Coding Certificate  

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberALH115 Medical Insurance 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchALH112 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology ology
Spring TermApril- JuneALH122 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology II
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberALH108 Medical Terminology and Pharmacology 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchALH125 Diagnostic Coding
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneALH235 Procedural Coding 

Medical Office Assistant Certificate  

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberALH255 Medical Law and Ethics 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchALH108 Medical Terminology and Pharmacology
Spring TermApril- JuneALH115 Medical Insurance 
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberCOM101 Introduction to Human Communications
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBIO100 Human Biology 
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneALH180 Medical Administrative Procedures  

Sports Management Certificate  

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberBUS111 Current Issues in Sports 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS211 Sports Ethics and Leadership
Spring TermApril- JuneBUS230 Principles of Marketing  
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberCOM130 Public Relations
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS311 Sports Management
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneBUS411 Sports Coaching 

Hotel Restaurant Management Applied Associates  

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberHRM125 Food and Beverage Cost Control 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchHRM105 Introduction to Hospitality
Spring TermApril- JuneBUS220 Principles of Management
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberHRM225 Food and Beverage Management
Winter TermJanuary- MarchHRM115 Sanitation and Safety
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneSCI100 Basic Nutrition
Summer TermJuly- SeptemberGen Ed  HRM226 Lodging Management IDS102 Introduction to Human Literacy ENG101 College Composition I 
Fall TermOctober- DecemberACC100 Accounting I   BUS 245 Human Resources MTH105 College Algebra BUS230 Principles of Marketing
Winter Term January- MarchBUS130 Macroeconomics COM101 Introduction to Human Communications  BUS270 Entrepreneurship and Small Business HRM350 Hospitality Management Seminar
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneInternship 299 


One Year Certificate Course Rotations for Seniors:

Bookkeeping Certificate

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberACC100 Accounting I  TEC103 Survey of Windows
Winter TermJanuary- MarchACC110 Accounting II BUS120 Spreadsheet Applications
Spring TermApril- JuneACC200 Managerial Accounting   ACC210 Data Management Applications
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF

*100% Online

Cannabis Business

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberCAN100 Introduction to Cannabis CAN200 Cannabis Policy and Law
Winter TermJanuary- MarchCAN300 Managing Medical Symptoms with Cannabis CAN350 Marketing in The Cannabis Industry
Spring TermApril- JuneCAN375 Cannabis Entrepreneurship CAN420 Cannabis Leadership
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF

*100% Online

Child Care Management Certificate

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberCCM100 Child Care Foundations CCM115 Instructional Strategies for Early Childhood Education
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBIO105 Human Development BUS100 Introduction to Business
Spring TermApril- JuneCOM101 Introduction to Human Communications CCM230 Curriculum Planning
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF

*100% Online

Computer Networking and Security Certificate

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberTEC135 Networking I  TEC140 Microcomputer Systems
Winter TermJanuary- MarchTEC222 Networking II TEC248 Routing and Switching
Spring TermApril- JuneTEC320 Networking Management TEC412 Pen Testing
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneTEC412 Pen Testing

*100% Online

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Certificate 

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberBUS115 Business Accounting  BUS220 Principles of Management
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS230 Principles of Marketing  BUS235 Consumer Behavior  
Spring TermApril- JuneBUS245 Human Resources    BUS270 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

*100% Online

Restaurant and Food Management   

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberSCI100 Basic Nutrition HRM225 Food and Beverage Management
Winter TermJanuary- MarchHRM105 Introduction to Hospitality
Spring TermApril- JuneHRM125 Food and Beverage Cost Control  HRM115 Sanitation and Safety

*100% Online

Hotel Administration   

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberHRM226 Lodging Management HRM225 Food and Beverage Management
Winter TermJanuary- MarchHRM105 Introduction to Hospitality HRM115 Sanitation and Safety
Spring TermApril- JuneHRM125 Food and Beverage Cost Control  HRM245 Hospitality Law

*100% Online

Human Resource Management Certificate

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberBUS245 Human Resources  BUS302 Health, Safety, and Security
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS303 Recruitment, Selection, and Placement BUS465 Training and Development
Spring TermApril- JuneBUS220 Principles of Management BUS460 Evaluation and Assessment

*100% Online

Medical Billing and Coding Certificate  

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberALH115 Medical Insurance  ALH108 Medical Terminology and Pharmacology
Winter TermJanuary- MarchALH112 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology ology ALH125 Diagnostic Coding
Spring TermApril- JuneALH122 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology II ALH235 Procedural Coding

*100% Online

Medical Office Assistant Certificate  

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberALH255 Medical Law and Ethics  COM101 Introduction to Human Communications
Winter TermJanuary- MarchALH108 Medical Terminology and Pharmacology BIO100 Human Biology
Spring TermApril- JuneALH115 Medical Insurance  ALH180 Medical Administrative Procedures  

*100% Online

Sports Management Certificate  

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberBUS111 Current Issues in Sports  COM130 Public Relations
Winter TermJanuary- MarchBUS211 Sports Ethics and Leadership BUS311 Sports Management
Spring TermApril- JuneBUS230 Principles of Marketing   BUS411 Sports Coaching

*100% Online

The Remaining Pathways Require Transfer to CPC to complete

Hotel Restaurant Management Applied Associates  

Year 1
Fall TermOctober- DecemberHRM125 Food and Beverage Cost Control 
Winter TermJanuary- MarchHRM105 Introduction to Hospitality
Spring TermApril- JuneBUS220 Principles of Management
Summer Term (OFF)July- SeptemberOFF
Year 2
Fall TermOctober- DecemberHRM225 Food and Beverage Management
Winter TermJanuary- MarchHRM115 Sanitation and Safety
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneSCI100 Basic Nutrition
Summer TermJuly- SeptemberGen Ed  HRM226 Lodging Management IDS102 Introduction to Human Literacy ENG101 College Composition I 
Fall TermOctober- DecemberACC100 Accounting I   BUS 245 Human Resources MTH105 College Algebra BUS230 Principles of Marketing
Winter Term January- MarchBUS130 Macroeconomics COM101 Introduction to Human Communications  BUS270 Entrepreneurship and Small Business HRM350 Hospitality Management Seminar
Spring Term (Graduate)April- JuneInternship 299 

Applied Allied Health Career Certificate of Completion

3 + 1 Certificate Program Phlebotomy 

3 + 4 Applied Associate Program Medical Assisting (with Phlebotomy Certificate)

Allied Health Enrollment for October Term

  • Students will enter their chosen program as a cohort in the fall semester of their senior year.
  • Students will take one course at a time over Central Penn College’s fall, winter, and spring terms with a 15-week break over summer during their senior year.  Rotation and timeline of courses are depicted in the tables below. 
  • Courses will follow a streamlined programmatic structure.
  • The courses will be offered online in an 11-week asynchronous online format while at (School) and students will then transfer into the hybrid format at Central Penn with hands-on training at the Summerdale campus location in the fall following graduation from high school, except for Medical Billing and Coding, which is 100% online. 

Phlebotomy Technician Certificate Curriculum 

(two options: One start in Junior year and transfer or one as a senior and take classes at CPC while enrolled in CCA)

The Phlebotomy Technician Certificate is a part of the Associate in Applied Science Medical Assisting degree program.  This Certificate provides graduates with the clinical and administrative skills necessary to be a successful allied health care professional.  The Phlebotomy Technician Certificate prepares students to work at a hospital, diagnostic laboratory, blood donor center, or private medical offices.  Students in this allied health program will learn how to prepare CLIA-waived laboratory tests, collect and process specimens for lab testing and medications, and maintain medical records.

The NHA certification exam is designed to evaluate the knowledge and skills associated with the performance of tasks required for entry-level practice.  A passing grade must be earned on the NHA Certified Phlebotomy Technician exam for successful completion of the Certificate.  Candidates who are successful in passing the certification examination will be awarded credentials indicating their certification status.*The cost for the Phlebotomy Technician Certification (CPT) is $125.00.

 Phlebotomy Core Courses – 18 credits 

  • ALH108 Medical Terminology and Pharmacology *
  • ALH112 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology I *
  • ALH122 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology II* 
  • ALH145 Allied Health Procedures 
  • ALH255 Medical Law and Ethics 
  • ALH310 Medical Laboratory 
  • *indicates online

*Please see the College Catalog for full course descriptions or request further information from the Provost at kristawolfe@centralpenn.edu

Phlebotomy Technician Option to Transfer
*100% of Credits will transfer into the Medical Assisting program

Term/ Marking Period Fall/Marking Period 1  Winter/ Marking Period 2Spring/ Marking Period 3Summer: Off Fall Term CPC  October – December Complete
CoursesALH108 Medical Terminology and Pharmacology  *online
ALH112 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology I  *onlineALH122 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology II  *online

ALH145 Allied Health Procedures *in-person

ALH255 Medical Law and Ethics   ALH310 Medical Laboratory  *in-person
Location onlineonlineonline
Central Penn 

3-credit course3-credit course3-credit course
Thursdays 5-9 pm (currently 2023)  

Expected Jobs: Phlebotomists draw blood for tests, transfusions, research, or blood donations.  Phlebotomists work mainly in hospitals, medical and diagnostic laboratories, blood donor centers, and doctors’ offices.
Salary Expectations:  $29,000 to $43,000/year
Additional Training:  Continuing education may be required for maintenance of certification.
Laddering:  Ladders into Medical Assisting Associate in Applied Science Degree

Phlebotomy Technician Option to take courses on ground at CPC
*100% of Credits will transfer into the Medical Assisting program

Term/ Marking Period Fall/Marking Period 1  Winter/ Marking Period 2Spring/ Marking Period 3
CoursesALH108 Medical Terminology and Pharmacology  *online
ALH122 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology II  *ongroundALH310 Medical Laboratory  *in-person
Courses  ALH112 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology I  *ongroundALH145 Allied Health Procedures *on ground in-personALH255 Medical Law and Ethics  *online
Location Both online and on ground Both online and on ground Both online and on ground 

3-credit course3-credit course3-credit course Thursdays 5-9 pm (currently 2023)  

Expected Jobs: Phlebotomists draw blood for tests, transfusions, research, or blood donations.  Phlebotomists work mainly in hospitals, medical and diagnostic laboratories, blood donor centers, and doctors’ offices.
Additional Training:  Continuing education may be required for maintenance of certification.
Laddering:  Ladders into Medical Assisting Associate in Applied Science Degree

3 + 4 Applied Associate Program

Medical Assisting (with Phlebotomy Certificate)

Medical Assisting Applied Associates (with Professional Certificate in Phlebotomy) Curriculum – 60 credits

The Associate in Applied Science degree program in Medical Assisting provides graduates with the clinical and administrative skills necessary to be a successful allied healthcare professional. Medical Assistants work primarily in physicians’ offices and medical clinics.  Students in this allied health program will learn how to prepare patients for various examinations, assist physicians with minor office surgeries, draw blood, perform tests and treatments, administer injections and medications, maintain medical records, and perform administrative tasks. 

This program requires the completion of 60 credits.

General Education Requirements – 21 credits 

Medical Assisting Core Courses – 39 credits 

  • ALH108 Medical Terminology and Pharmacology * 
  • ALH112 Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology I *
  • ALH115 Medical Insurance 
  • ALH122 Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology II *
  • ALH145 Allied Health Procedures 
  • ALH180 Medical Administrative Procedures 
  • ALH208 Clinical Procedures 
  • ALH210 Clinical Techniques 
  • ALH230 Disease and Diagnostic Methods 
  • ALH299 Medical Assisting Internship 
  • ALH310 Medical Laboratory 
  • ALH350 Medical Seminar 

*indicates online

Medical Assisting Associates (with Professional Certificate in Phlebotomy)

Term/ Marking Period Fall / Marking Period 1Winter/ Marking Period 2Spring/ Marking Period 3Summer offFall Term CPCWinter Term CPCSpring Term CPCSummer Term CPCFall Term CPC
CoursesALH108 Medical Terminology and Pharmacology *online 
ALH112 Essentials Anatomy and Physiology I  *onlineALH122 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology II  *online
ENG101 College Comp *online 

Citizenship and Intercultural Competency elective
IDS102 Introduction to Information Literacy
IDS101 CPC Foundations
IDS102 Introduction to Information Literacy COM101 Introduction to Human Communication
ENG101 College Composition
Integrative Learning elective
MTH105 or MTH125
ALH145 ALH Procedures (evening)
ALH208 Clinical Procedures (evening)
ALH310 Medical Laboratory (evening)
ALH115 Medical Insurance (online)
ALH230 Diseases and Diagnostic Methods (online)
ALH350 Medical Seminar (evening)
ALH180 Medical Administrative Procedures (online)
ALH210 Clinical Techniques
+ Winter  ALH299 Internship 
9 credits CPC9 credits CPC9 credits CPC12 credits CPC9 credits + 3 credits internship
 3-credit course3-credit course3-credit courses
One 11-week termOne 11-week termOne 11-week termOne 11-week termsTwo 11- week terms 

* 60 credit AAS College in High School Price (for credits only) = $25,832  ($1,400 in CHS credits,  $24,432 in CPC credits)

* 60 credit AAS CPC Price (for credits only) $30,540

Courses meet on M-W-F or T/TR Schedule at CPC

ALH courses are on ground

General Education courses vary in modality

Expected Jobs: Medical Assistant, Medical Office Assistant, EKG Technician, Phlebotomy Technician, Unit/Ward Clerk in hospital, Claims Examiner
Additional Training: Continuing education required to maintain certification.
Laddering: Ladders into Healthcare Management Degree Completion Program

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