Central Penn College announces new $5,000 Excellence in Scouting Scholarship

“We are pleased to announce the new Excellence in Scouting Scholarship,” said Michael Fedor, vice president of Advancement & Strategic Initiatives. “Students who have earned the highest awards in the Scouts BSA and Girl Scouts are eligible to receive a new $5,000 scholarship.”
Eagle Scout, Gold Award recipients and Venturing Silver scouts can receive $500 a term for up to 10 terms for their accomplishment within scouting.
“These students––through their scouting achievements––have demonstrated intelligence, determination and discipline––essential qualities to be successful at the college level,” said Fedor, who is a cub master and former Boy Scout. His sons, Jackson and Parker, are members of Troop 279 and Pack 279, respectively.
To apply for the Excellence in Scouting Scholarship, current and prospective students will need to submit documentation of their scouting achievement. Recipients are expected to attend full-time.
Central Penn College and its Education Foundation will provide more than $2 million in scholarships in 2022 to students. The college is known for its career-focused programs in business, accounting, healthcare, legal studies, criminal justice and homeland security, communications and information technology.
“If you’re a current scout who has achieved one of scouting’s highest honors, I encourage you to learn more about this scholarship and Central Penn College,” said Fedor. “If you’re a parent of such a young man or woman, I encourage you to do the same.”
For more information about the Excellence in Scouting Scholarship, visit: www.centralpenn.edu/scholarships.