Central Penn Women’s Soccer Team Volunteering in the Local Community

The Central Penn College women’s soccer team assisted the East Penn Soccer Club with their Youth Soccer Clinic on Saturday, September 2, 2023, at Adams Ricci Park. Central Penn players were sporting their new UPMC sponsored gear and worked with the Penn State University-Schuylkill men’s soccer team to teach approximately 80 youth players aged 4 through 16 at the youth clinic.
Coach Grubesky and Teagan Russell taught dribbling, passing, and finishing skills to the 11-16 age group while Trinity Etzweiler and Kelly Kieffer used fun games to teach the youngest age group.
This was the third youth clinic that the women’s team has conducted this season.
Coach Grubesky said, “I am very proud of our players being willing to take the time to give back to the community and be role models for younger players.” He added, “This was an important event for us to be involved in because our men’s and women’s teams are able to train at Adams Ricci Park courtesy of the Township Recreation Department and the East Penn Soccer Club.”