Soccer team guest-coaches middle schoolers
Last week, the Knights men’s soccer team took part in a training session a little different than what they were used to in the fall. Freshmen Derek Pine, Trenton Bradley (pictured), Caleb Solis and Jordan Hyle accompanied Coach Dustin Wise at Sports City Athletics in Harrisburg to guest-coach the Dauphin Middle Paxton Soccer U11 Practice.
“When Dauphin Head Coach John Lucas reached out to me a little bit before Christmas and asked if I would be interested in running a practice for his players, my response was, ‘Absolutely!'” said Wise. “Thankfully, I was able to get some of my players to forfeit their Friday night to come out and not only help coach these kids but also get an opportunity to play with them and answer some questions these players had about college and soccer at the next level.”

Caleb Solis said this about the opportunity: “If you are given a chance to be a role model, I think you should always take it because you can influence a person’s life in a positive light, and that’s what I want to do. That’s what it’s all about.”
While taking part in the practice, Jordan Hyle joked with Coach Wise that he should go ahead and offer the one member of the youth team a roster spot with the Knights.
The men’s soccer program will begin training again in April, for a few weeks, focusing on getting ready for the 2020 fall season and what to expect!